Time out. I got asked whether I was going to discuss the difference between predictions and prophecy. I hadn’t planned on it so I did what everyone does, I got on the web. I love the web. If it is written there it has to be true….right? Anyway a lot of people have discussed this already and the following is one of them. There is nothing wrong with looking at the web for information (pssst….it is what you are doing now), just check it against scripture, and if you are still not sure, talk it over with someone you trust, then check it against scripture, then if you still are not sure, learn it yourself, then check it with scripture.
“…humanity is completely misinformed of the meaning of Jesus Christ's message. Only authentic inspired prophecy can cure that lack at once, while prediction can do nothing.
1 - Authentic Prophecy is based upon eternal wisdom and the complete understanding of God's person, His principle, law and grace. Predictions are 50/50 suppositions of what could, or could not be so, a gamble with human lives in separation from God.
2 - Authentic Prophecy knows the beginning and the end simultaneously, for all is timelessly in existence now. Prediction relies on linear progression of 'time'.
3 - While predictions reside in the earthly realm, prophecy combines heaven and earth into paradise, or God's final intent.
4 - Predictions take what 'is' and shifts, shuffles and rearranges it for a different result in the future, while inspired prophecy knows the higher outcome and the ingredients for its achievement, regardless of what 'is' now.
5 - Predictions use current circumstances & trends that are based upon erroneous thinking, and without correcting fundamental mistakes, projects the same mistakes into the future, while prophecy focuses on the restoration of original perfection (glory), through divine shortcuts.
6 - While authentic prophecy knows of the possibility of perfection, prediction accepts its impossibility by assuming less than perfect results.
7 - No prediction is absolutely accurate, because it is not concisely based on biblical principle, while prophecy in its consistent insight into the Alpha to Omega Plot cannot fail at all.
8 - Nothing can hide from the true biblical prophet, for all is there, there are no secrets, and it just has to be laid open to him, or her, while the human making predictions deals with partial truths and obscurity leading to a misunderstanding of the whole picture..
9 - Authentic Prophecy is true at the moment it is being made, while the receiver of predictions has to wait and see 'if' the results turn up.
10 - Authentic Prophecy is available to all. However, in their 99.9% Apostasy, humans look exclusively at predictions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/105751”
Also with Jesus coming on Saturday………..what you haven’t heard?
None of this will matter anyway. But if we do happen to still be here, here is another couple of interesting links and documents.
Back to the lesson next……
Jesus says in John's gospel "I am the way, truth, and life. No one comes to the Father except through me," John 14:6. Enjoy this verse so much because it is the sovereign rule of God, through Christ that is peace for me over the predictions of things like the end of the world. The hipe is just hipe, and when you can come to God by way of Jesus, then you can rest in His sovereign prophecy of His will and history. I like #4 on the list and echo Duke's word of going back to scripture. Submit to scripture, be in community in a church that does so, and leaders that point people to Jesus, and keep in step with the mission of the gospel. In the end, no matter when, followers of Jesus will be with the Father. "Therefore, stay awake for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming," Mattew 24:42 and "so Christ, having been offered once to bear sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him." Hebrews 9:28. Come Lord Jesus Come!